Today some little Indian kid and his "posse" walked up to me and started chanting: "White boys, White boys, watcha gonna do, watcha gonna do when i come for you"
I laughed inside becuase they were all about a third as tall as me, but I started trash talking:
"Man, you wanna go? i know jiu-jitsu, ima beat you down, son!"
And this little prat goes "Ima @#$% you up!"
I told him to watch his language and grow a pair before he goes blabbing up my walk, and he stormed away dropping F-bombs everywhere. My brother just looked and said: "That's adorable"
Also, when I was in a forest, some cops walked by looking for a "large cement object".
I walked out of the woods and saw a big ass Buddha bust sitting in between some trees just outside the tech wing of my school. Needless to say, I took some video and it will be in my 100th Episode Spectacular.
It was gone when i went to check about 1 hour later.
What a weird day.