Last night i had this realistic dream, where i and my little brother were on a playground, and some kid started pushing him around, trying to knock him off bars and stuff. I told him to quit it (In my head of course) and his dad came over and started trying to roughhouse me. It ended well (in my head of course), and then the setting switched to some country that i now forget the name of.
I was on an accidental plane ride with some old friends, and i didn't want to be. When i tried to leave, i realized that Canada was oceans away, and my friend told me: "Unless you have a ride, your sticking with us for another 3 weeks". While i was in that place, i came across a large field, with a building smack in the middle, and forest lining every side of it.
The building, (from my head of course), was filled with angry people doing angry things, like swiping things from hard workers and looking at me funny. I walked to a back room, which was like a small enclosure for animals. There was some hay on the floor, and the kid from the playground. Then, his whole family poured in the front door, and charged up a hill into the room.
I'm not entirely sure what happened next, but i went outside and that playground was to the left of the building looking from the front. They were both run down, but the sky was bright now, and everything except the people were cheery. I walked back inside the building, but the interior had changed from a dank, musty orphanage into some weird congregational place. As i strolled past a glass barrier, i saw inside, a bunch of people i knew very well, and i was overcome with a feeling of dire sadness. After that, the dream went to hell, and i don't remember anything past that.
And the Moral of the Story IS: Don't eat red mushrooms. No seriously.