Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How to see who visits Your Facebook Profile

This method requires no apps, just a browser like Google Chrome.
Step 1: While logged in, go to the facebook homepage, or your own profile page.
Step 2: Right click and open the page source (for Google Chrome, "view page source")
Step 3: Open the find menu (Press Ctrl + F) and enter "OrderedFriends"
Step 4: Enter the numbers in the lists that follow (For example, 11111111111) after "facebook.com/"
Step 5: The profile that comes up is that number. The first in the list is the person who visits most, and so on in declining order.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I am Honored to accept this Honor

30 days since giving this game a chance and playing pretty much only Teemo.
Fear me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How to log in to Minecraft with any Username

I spent a while yesterday trying to figure out a simple way to log in to Minecraft in Offline mode with a name other than Player, that anyone could use. I found out that you could use a command line to start Minecraft with all sorts of values tweaked, but no forum or website detailed how to do so in an error free way. After taking an original command line and tweaking the hell out of it, I figured out how to do it. This will work for all Minecraft versions unless the format of the game is changed, which is probably won't be.

If you paste this text in to notepad and save it as a .bat file, when you run that file, Minecraft will open in offline mode with the player name of your choice, simply replace Ebob101 at the end with what ever name you want.

java  -Xincgc -Xmx1024m -cp "%APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar;%APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin\lwjgl.jar;%APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin\lwjgl_util.jar;%APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin\jinput.jar" -Djava.library.path="%APPDATA%\.minecraft\bin\natives" net.minecraft.client.Minecraft Ebob101

This is useful for when Minecraft.net goes down and you want to play on the server your friend just rented with all of your friends. You won't be logged in so the server you join will have to be in Offline mode.
I guess I'll figure out how to do it for Tekkit now.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Teemo is the Best Champion in League of Legends

I've been playing Teemo since he was on free trial last week. I have an excellent build for him and he is my favorite champion in League of Legends. His mushrooms will irritate any pursuers and his blinding dart counters AD carries.
Edit: 4th random game ever below. Some players are bigger jerks than others.
Edit: 8th random game ever below. I am never going to not play this game again.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Borderlands 2 is Cool

I've had a chance to play Borderlands 2 now, and I have to say it's pretty good. I never played the first Borderlands, but I'm good at shooters and RPGs in general, so don't count me out when I say that it is a genuinely challenging and fun game. It's fast paced and well written (if a bit childish at times (most times (all the time))) and while the game has very little story direction and the graphics make everything look jumbled as heck, it adds to the atmosphere in a big way and Pandora is a pretty cool place to be.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Homestuck Adventure Game

There's a thing called HomeStuck here: MSPA
They're making a game about it and funding it with Kickstarter: KickStarter
Is this something that I should be throwing large sums of money at? Because Homestuck is way too story driven to have any sort of playable campaign that isn't just a reiteration of the central story, and if it was just the whole sburb thing then it would lose the mind-blowing plot-twisting shit-storm that I keep coming back to.
Gameplay would have to make up for it in a big way, and they would really be dulling it down to make it playable.Will it be 3D? Will there be a character development system? There are too many unknowns and they really should have come up with a simple concept before asking fans for $700,000. But apparently they're making this happen because it's at $350,000 already, and that number has been increasing at a steady rate of $50,000 an hour.
Woah, man. Woah.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Extended Cut is Enough

Mass Effect 3 has had the biggest rise-and-fall story of any video game I've ever played, starting with the news of launch day DLC all the way up to that ending we were all supposed to deal with. Well today, Bioware released the Extended Cut, in the hopes that it would fill in the plot holes that the original ending left. Ignoring the fact that it does not at all justify the current ending, I will now summarize these 3 new and improved options (which are way cooler).
Destroy: Admiral Hackett gives a pep talk and promises to rebuild
Control: Shepard uses the Reapers to repair the Mass Relays and fix everything.
Synthesis: Everybody gets green eyes and EDI says "problem solved".

Bioware made it clear that the Extended cut would not "fix" the game, because in their opinion and mine, there was nothing to fix. You can't just change the game. But it does add parts on to the end, such as pictures of teammates on their home worlds and a cut scene of the Normandy flying away. Everything is going to be OK, and it takes away that dead end feeling of not knowing what happens next.

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Best Super Hero Ever

I just had a great idea while walking home. The logo on my T-Shirt got a lot hotter than the rest of the shirt, and so I thought of the best thing ever:
One day, after visiting a print shop and having a custom Logo shirt made, his shirt got really hot in the sun. Because it was just printed, the Logo burnt to his chest. The next day at school, T-Shirt Man had to take off his shirt for gym and all the other kids noticed his chest Logo, so they threw rocks at him because he looked weird. That's his inspiration for fighting bullying and crime.
So he goes to try and stop a bank robbery but he gets beat up by robbers and limps home. Then, he goes to drown his sorrows at the local Super Juice, but on the way (to mirror his sadness) it starts to rain. Then, he gets struck by lightning, and his chest symbol is supercharged with electricity powers.
This gives him the ability to store static electricity in his chest symbol, then chest-bump bad guys and they get blasted with electricity. Also, the symbol is bullet-proof because it was a cheap print shop and there was lead in the paint.

This is the best idea ever.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why The Mass Effect 3 Character Unlock Picture is Fake

Today I saw this picture, allegedly of a character unlock screen accessed after opening an item pack from the store on developer servers.
Obviously, I wanted to know if the pictures were real or fake. Since I couldn't figure out how to access these Mass Effect 3 "developer servers" in 2 hours, I decided to open the picture in Photoshop and look for signs of tampering. The first thing I noticed was when I was looking at the title (to see if there was a default windows font that matched the text). Look at the difference between the photo I think is fake, and the one I took myself:
Look at that fuzzy distortion box, around the name on the unlock card for the Batarian Soldier. Then look at the title on the picture on my Drell Vanguard unlock card. While this could be attributed to poor image quality, it isn't the same anywhere else on the picture. It looks pasted in. That distortion can actually be seen around all the text on every card, leading me to think it should be there, but then I compared photos on full scale, and noticed that the Batarian Soldier card is too small anyway.
Everything looks fish-eyed or something. Nothing is to scale. I've lined up the two brighter golden squares in the bottom left corner of the cards to show the proportions. Remember that both these pictures were in widescreen aspect ratios, so they should be of similar size. But this isn't particularly compelling proof on it's own.
And on that note, I'll say that this is all just speculation. It's not like there aren't biotic Batarians somewhere out there. The picture could be real, and so could the classes (even though the fifth Soldier slot it occupied by the Battlefield 3 guy already, and the Asari Vanguard has the Justicar Class as a skill). All I'm saying is that nobody should get their hopes up. The Geth are already enemies anyway. Half of this picture doesn't even make sense. So I think it's fake. But that's just my opinion.

EDIT: On April 10th 2012, the resurgence pack is being released with all these characters. This means that Bioware has been done the characters for a while, and it also means that I was wrong (or maybe Bioware liked the idea).

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Perfect Game (Or not)

So I was just playing Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning and I couldn't help but notice the bits and pieces of Fable 2, Dragon Age: Origins and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion  in there. They even ripped the dialogue wheel right out of Mass Effect, which is the first thing I noticed.
The control scheme in Reckoning is simple enough, and I can't complain about the user interface. There is some interesting lore behind the land as well. Yes, it seems they have finally created the perfect mix of all my favorite games.
The only problem I have is with the way they played off the story. The game throws you right in to the fray, and I was accidentally completing quests all over the place. It needs to explain itself better for it to turn out good.
And then there's that confusing maze-world they plop you down in. Every area is like a maze, and if it wasn't for those generic circular quest markers, I might have to wander for 5 times as long as I ended up having to anyway to accomplish anything.

The game has everything it needs to be good, it's just sloppy. I hope they refine things before release.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cyclone Party

I had a very strange dream, where some kids I knew and my Grade 5 teacher went on a class trip to 2 facilities where some bad things happened. In the second, they were cloning people to test acid on them. Nothing really happened there so we all left an somehow fit in to a convertible. We left, but we started seeing weird stuff, like every cloud was suddenly a small cyclone and there were tornados and falling rocks everywhere. So this convertible got stuck under one of those falling rocks, and it formed a convenient cave over us. Some boulders started falling around but an opening formed itself after about 2 minutes. Then my teacher started to go crazy saying that "Our lives are a story, and this rock IS the story! We can't leave until it's over!". So I left with some people to go look for survivors, but everything was apparently fine outside the rock and the sky was back to normal. Apocalypse averted. I started to look for work because I needed a way to complete the journey home, and I was offered a job at "Jesus loves jars".
About 1 year later (according to a magic timecard) I went back in to the rock to tell my friends we could leave, but they didn't want to because the rock was the story. So one of them showed me a game he had been making called "This rock is" and then I woke up. Like what the hell.

I think I know what this means. The clones they had been launching through acid jets were like curled up jar babies, and the jesus loves jar place had babies on the sign poster. All the day before I had been animating babies in jars for a project.

Moral: I need to play Mass Effect more and get all its achievements.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Quitting Tribal Wars

I've had an account on this Real-time-strategy browser game called Tribal Wars for a number of years, and I've been on World 59 since October 11th, 2011 (the day it opened). So far I've gotten 5 villages and numerous medals (including accidental self-conquest), but I think I'm going to quit. It's just not a game I can get in to. I also didn't get nearly enough villages nearly fast enough. I'm not in any situation where quitting is the only option (although I am surrounded by enemies), but I'm going to start working on a flash game or something, and I don't want to be worrying about which train I should be sniping, or faking at the right times.
It's also a little irritating playing with people in different time zones, we're always awake at different times or something. it's also helpful for just that reason, but communication is definitely an issue.
So yeah, I think I'll be quitting that world. I also won't be joining World 61 when it opens in 2 days.

Edit (Feb 6 2012): I did join World 61, and these are my final stats from 59

Rank 630, 36653 points, 8 villages, 27 awards
26002 ODA + 119653 ODD = 145655 OD, 1145 ODAS
1 Self-Conquer