Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why The Mass Effect 3 Character Unlock Picture is Fake

Today I saw this picture, allegedly of a character unlock screen accessed after opening an item pack from the store on developer servers.
Obviously, I wanted to know if the pictures were real or fake. Since I couldn't figure out how to access these Mass Effect 3 "developer servers" in 2 hours, I decided to open the picture in Photoshop and look for signs of tampering. The first thing I noticed was when I was looking at the title (to see if there was a default windows font that matched the text). Look at the difference between the photo I think is fake, and the one I took myself:
Look at that fuzzy distortion box, around the name on the unlock card for the Batarian Soldier. Then look at the title on the picture on my Drell Vanguard unlock card. While this could be attributed to poor image quality, it isn't the same anywhere else on the picture. It looks pasted in. That distortion can actually be seen around all the text on every card, leading me to think it should be there, but then I compared photos on full scale, and noticed that the Batarian Soldier card is too small anyway.
Everything looks fish-eyed or something. Nothing is to scale. I've lined up the two brighter golden squares in the bottom left corner of the cards to show the proportions. Remember that both these pictures were in widescreen aspect ratios, so they should be of similar size. But this isn't particularly compelling proof on it's own.
And on that note, I'll say that this is all just speculation. It's not like there aren't biotic Batarians somewhere out there. The picture could be real, and so could the classes (even though the fifth Soldier slot it occupied by the Battlefield 3 guy already, and the Asari Vanguard has the Justicar Class as a skill). All I'm saying is that nobody should get their hopes up. The Geth are already enemies anyway. Half of this picture doesn't even make sense. So I think it's fake. But that's just my opinion.

EDIT: On April 10th 2012, the resurgence pack is being released with all these characters. This means that Bioware has been done the characters for a while, and it also means that I was wrong (or maybe Bioware liked the idea).