Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Extended Cut is Enough

Mass Effect 3 has had the biggest rise-and-fall story of any video game I've ever played, starting with the news of launch day DLC all the way up to that ending we were all supposed to deal with. Well today, Bioware released the Extended Cut, in the hopes that it would fill in the plot holes that the original ending left. Ignoring the fact that it does not at all justify the current ending, I will now summarize these 3 new and improved options (which are way cooler).
Destroy: Admiral Hackett gives a pep talk and promises to rebuild
Control: Shepard uses the Reapers to repair the Mass Relays and fix everything.
Synthesis: Everybody gets green eyes and EDI says "problem solved".

Bioware made it clear that the Extended cut would not "fix" the game, because in their opinion and mine, there was nothing to fix. You can't just change the game. But it does add parts on to the end, such as pictures of teammates on their home worlds and a cut scene of the Normandy flying away. Everything is going to be OK, and it takes away that dead end feeling of not knowing what happens next.